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Want to go Online! Want to do Online Business! Start with a SecureReliable Efficient & Affordable Email Services!

Explore Email Solutions by Mavenheads Infotech

About Emails

The Beginning of the journey...

What is Email ?

Your online post man...

Information and Communication of Information is one of the most important aspect in our life. From students to professionals to business owners, big or small, the exchange of information plays a vital role for everybody.

Gone are the days of traditional communication when individuals or businesses were used to use hand written or typed letters or similar services run by state mails services agenceis like post offices. The internet has today connect all of us via service like emails, that takes our messages to any part of the world with in few seconds.

Emails are the means of communication in today's life of online world. Especially for formal information exchange. Emails are secure, fast, reliable robust system of sending mails to anyone in the world. Another important aspect of using emails is it gaurentees the delivery of the mail to the intended recepient of mail, unlike otherwise so far.

There are many free email services that any person can use for personal or business use like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Rediffmail, etc. There are also paid email services which are preferred by professionals and business for the formal and effective business communication and for the rich set of features that they provide. Though free email services also have their version of paid emails that any one can use. Professionals and business use paid email services which they can also use to establish their brand identity. Such emails are called Professional Emails or Business Emails or Corporate Emails. These are easily recognizable as they end with business' website's domain name. An authorised person of the company can only have these professional / business / corporate emails. Mavenheads Infotech provides these paid email services each of which come with some unique set of features.

Not just for business or personal communications these emails are also very effective online marketing tool. Email campaigns are very impactful. When these emails are used as marketing tools then emails are send to hundreds and thousands of people. For such activity a very special service called Bulk email service is used which is also provided by Mavenheads Infotech.

Transactional emails are yet another category of email service provided by Mavenheads Infotech which are used by organisations for communication of very important information like those used for sending OTP for any use or financial transaction alert or during ecommerce purchase and delivery cycle.

To sum up there are different types of emails services provided by Mavenheads Infotech for different types of people, different types of usages and different types of features to suit different kind of users (individual professional or any organisation).

Some of the most common types of professional emails provided by Mavenheads Infotech are listed below:

Also, there are various plans avaliable under many of these categories of professional emails with various features. Mavenheads Infotech provides all of these types of professional emails to suit different needs of different customers - from individual professionals to SMEs or big corporates.

Contact Mavenheads Infotech to discuss your professional emails requirement and get best deals on the service / plan that suits your overall needs. Contact Now

Related Topics

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TLD stands for Top-Level Domain, which is the part of a domain name that comes after the last dot in any complete domain name. For ex, com in is a TLD. TLDs are commonly known as domain extensions. Initially only a handful of TLDs existed. Best example of some early TLDs are:

  • .com - originally meant for (US) commercial organisations.
  • .org - originally meant for Non-profit organizations.
  • .net - originally meant for Internet providers.
  • .info - Information services.

The restriction with these TLDs are no more in place and any person can register domain names with these TLDs. Not only this, over the period of time since usage of internet among general public has increased incredibly, a lot more TLDs have come into existence. These TLDs can be classified as follows:

  • gTLD - called generic "Top-Level-Domains"
    • sTLD - Sponsored Top Level Domain (sTLD).
    • uTLD - Unsponsored Top Level Domains.
  • ccTLD - Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLD).
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gTLD - Generic Top-Level-Domain: .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .name, and .pro are some of the open gTLDs ie, they are open to all, that is to say that any person or organisation can get a domain name registered with any of these gTLDs. At the same time there are some gTLDs that have some restrictions. Only person or organisation who are members of certain organisation / institutions can have domain name registered with these "restricted" gTLDs. Ex. includce - .gov., .int, .mil.

Register Domain Names with any gTLDs with Mavenheads at discount rates and other attractive offers.

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sTLD - A Sponsored Top Level Domain is a specialized top-level domain that has a sponsor representing a specific community served by the domain. The communities are formed/based on ethnic, geographical, professional, technical or other theme concepts. Some of these so called sTLDs have restrictive use (like .edu, .gov, .mil) while most of them are open to all for registration. Examples are .legal, .hotel, .club, .travel etc...

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uTLD - An Unsponsored Top Level Domain operates under policies established by the global Internet community directly through the ICANN process. All the gTLDs that are not sponsored ones are uTLDs like .com, .net, .org etc...

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ccTLD - TLDs with two letters (.xx) have been established for over 250 countries and external territories and are referred to as country-code Top Level Domain or "ccTLDs". Examples are .in for India, .ca for Canada, .jp for Japan etc... Registrants of .ccTLDs domains must meet the Local Presence Requirements of specific country / territory.

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IDNs - Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) permit the global community to use a domain name in their native language or script. This is enabled by allowing domain names to have characters from different scripts, beyond the letters (a to z), digits (0 to 9) and hyphen (-). Such domain names could contain letters or characters from non-Latin scripts (for example, Arabic or Chinese or Devanagri).

IDNs variant TLDs (both gTLD & ccTLD) have also started coming into existence.

Examples: IDN ccTLDs are: .भारत (Devanagri/India), .中國 (Traditional Chinese/China)

Examples: IDN gTLDs are: .संगठन (.org in Devanagri), .コム (.com in Japaneese)

Services offered by:

Mavenheads Infotech

Softwares Development

Customised softwares optimise every aspect of your online / offline business.

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Website Development

Customised website to show case your products / services to the world.

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Web Applications

Get Web Apps to server your clients online globally from anywhere anytime.

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Mobile Apps. Development

Expand Your Digital Presence. Reinforce your brand.

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Increase your website visibility in Search Engines using organic methods.

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Social Media Optimisation (SMO)

Increase your website traffic using Social Media Networs.

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Domain Registration

Register, renew, transfer domains to avail offers and discounts.

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Web Hosting

Robust & scalable hosting solutionsat afforadable prices.

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Professional Emails

Create your true corporate identity. Go for business emails.

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Digital Marketing

Increase the footprint of your website and generate leads.

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UI / UX & Graphic Design

Aesthetically pleasing interfaces and designs for branding, identity, collaterals.

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Bulk SMS / Whatsapp

Promote business, boost online sales or send important messages to clients.

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