A domain name (ex. mavenheadsinfotech.com) itself comprises of two parts: before and after "the dot".
- Name (ex mavenheadsinfotech)
- Extension (ex .com)
The name part is any combination of alpha numeric characters that you can think of. This part before the dot is the domain name that you register with the Domain Names Registration service providers over the ineternet (like us).
The extension(/s) represents a sort of logical groupings that you need choose to give a sort of meaning to your domain name(/s). When first created, each extension served a specific purpose and indicated the function of the website. While that still is somewhat true, the system is no longer as rigid. These domain name extensions soon became an essential part of any domain name. This part to the right of the dot (after the actual domain name like mavenheadsinfotech), such as "com", "net", "org" and so on, is known as a "top-level domain" or TLD.
Now a days these TLDs are availiable in many flavours that you can choose from according to your needs or choice.
- classic old TLDs ( gTLD ) like .com, .net, .org etc
- country specific TLDs ( ccTLD ) like .in, .us, .ca etc
- specially designed professional name TLDs like .agency, .legal, .hotels etc
- specialized TLD (sTLD), which has a sponsor that oversees the community represented by the extension like .gov, .hotel, .club etc
- IDN (Internationalised Domain Names) - domain names with local languages.
Read Related Topics section below for more details on them.
Not only these, with Mavenheads Infotech, you can also register a domain name with any new & upcomming extension before they are made availiable to general public. Though these require fulfillment of some additional conditions from client end compared to those for existing extensions.