A Domain Name gives you / your company / products / services / idea etc. a unique identity over the net globally. It gives a name to your whole thought of going online. But how do you get this internationally unique identity over the internet landscape ? ie how do you get a Domain Name for your business or yourself..
Domain Name Registration is the process of reserving a name, here technically called a Domain Name, on the internet for a fixed duration of time, usually one year. It is necessary for websites, emails, and other web services to be made operational. There are atleast three to four different organisations involved in the complete processes registration of a domain name. But that is the backend story. At the front, any person or company can have a domain name of his / her choice registered by contacting a Domain Name Registration service provider like us ie. Mavenheads Infotech. These services providers may charge a small fee for handling all the technical and administratives issues associated with domain name registration and afterwards also till the duration of the registration of the domain name by the client.