A Domain Name is the first thing that is required to make your presence online. It's not just a name. It's the identity you make over the web, i.e. in the world of internet. Be it yourself / your company / organisation / products / services / idea, whatever... its the domain name only that gives it a unique brand identity over the internet landscape.
A domain name (ex.mavenheadsinfotech.com) itself comprises of two elements: before and after "the dot".
- Name (ex mavenheadsinfotech).
- Extension (ex .com)
The name part is any combination of alpha numeric characters that you can think of. This part before the dot is the domain name that you register with the Domain Names Registration service providers over the ineternet (like Mavenheads Infotech).
The extension(/s) represents a sort of logical groupings that you can choose to give a sort of meaning to your domain name(/s).
This part to the right of the dot, such as "com", "net", "org" and so on, is known as a "top-level domain" or TLD.